
Prof. Aaron Benavot

Aaron Benavot, currently Professor of Global Education Policy at the University at Albany-SUNY, worked at UNESCO, first as Senior Analyst and then as Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report, an independent, evidence-based report analyzing progress towards SDG4. Since returning to academia his research has focused on global citizenship education, climate change and sustainability education, and other aspects of SDG Target 4.7. Aaron is currently Lead of Indicator Development in a 6-year study on monitoring and evaluating climate communication and education (MECCE), which is developing robust CCE indicators to inform intergovernmental and national policy making. In addition, Aaron is co-convener of NISSEM, a community of academics and practitioners advocating for the inclusion of global and humanistic themes and social and emotional learning in textbooks and other educational materials. His most recent article (with James Williams) is entitled “Can we transform global education without transforming how we monitoring progress?” and can be found in the Journal of International Cooperation in Education.